শনিবার , জুলাই ২৭ ২০২৪

WorldFish Announcing IIFET 2024 Penang – Save the Date!

International Desk: WorldFish won the bid to host the 21st International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) Conference. WorldFish, in partnership with the Department of Fisheries Malaysia is hosting the IIFET 2024 from 15-19 July 2024 in Penang, Malaysia, held in Asia for the first time since 2008.

The theme of IIFET 2024 Penang is Aquatic Food Systems in the Blue Economy, focusing the attention of delegates on the intersection of fisheries and aquaculture economics and trade with major global challenges we are facing today, such as food system sustainability, rising economic and social inequality, climate crisis and the fallout and possibility of future pandemics – all pertinent in shaping a resilient blue economy that delivers on its promise for all – healthy people, healthy planet, and shared prosperity.

In addition to sessions proposed by IIFET members and sessions that reflect key research arenas of IIFET members (e.g., productivity, technological efficiency, governance, gender analysis, policy analysis, trade, markets and policies), IIFET 2024 Penang will feature four novel sub-themes to offer the conference attendees a unique space for sharing of ideas and dialog at the cutting edge of sustainable and equitable economic development through the lens of aquatic foods:

  • The Economics of Food and Nutrition Security
  • Ocean Equity and Inclusion – Distributional Justice
  • Governing for Resilience in Aquatic Food Systems
  • Fisheries, Aquaculture and Trade Futures

Learn more about IIFET 2024 Penang and stay updated with the latest developments at the conference website: https://www.iifet2024.org

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