বুধবার , ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২ ২০২৫

Brand harmonization from TAMINCO to EASTMAN

Inernational Desk: As a final integration step after the acquisition of Taminco by Eastman, we are working on the brand harmonization of our products. As such, (registered) product names are changing, replacing “Taminco” by “Eastman TM” in the product name. This is only a name change, the product, production process; quality, composition, etc. remain unchanged.


Part of this brand harmonization exercise, the following changes will be effected:

 Change of product name and logo on the product label

  • Change of packaging for solid products (Eastman branded bags), if applicable
  • Change of all shipping and invoice documents to the new product name
  • Change of the Safety Data Sheet, Product Sales Specification, Product Data Sheet, Certificate of Analysis, health certificate and free sales certificate, if applicable, to the new product name.

Below you can find an overview of how the product names will change

Current product name: Choline  Chloride 60% on vegetable carrier

New Products Name: Eastman  TM  Choline  Chloride 60 Vegetable Carrier

In addition, due to Chinese National Standard Change which will be affected May 1st May, 2018 some information on the package will change i.e. standard code on preprinted package, shelf life information and presentation of the content.

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