সোমবার , জানুয়ারি ২০ ২০২৫

Evonik arranged breeder nutrition seminar at Dhaka

Evonik1 15.10.2017International Desk : On 15 October 2017, Evonik Industries AG, Bangladesh arranged breeder nutrition seminar at Pam View restaurant, Dhaka. Dr. Sanjit Kumar Chakraborty- Business Manager opening the session with his welcome speech and stated the objective of the technical session. “Evonik has global experience of breeder farm management in terms of feed formulation and gut health management and we would like to share our experience to Bangladesh” – said by Dr. Sanjit. A well-attended participants like nutritionist, farm manager, and consultant from top breeding farms of Bangladesh has joined the seminar. Dr. Pradeep Krishna Rajalekshmy – Senior Technical service Manager, Evonik (SEA) Pte Ltd presented two exciting topics like1.Nutrition of Breeder and its effect on broiler progeny and 2.Intestinal and immunological development for broiler chicks.

Evonik 15.10.2017.jpg2Apart from the topics Dr. Pradeep discussed about role of probiotics in breeder gut health and stability of probiotics in sterilized feed of grandparents stock as well as broiler and layer feed. He rule out the selection of probiotic in terms of thermos-stability, is the most important to counteract the challenges faced by the farms.

The seminar is more interactive by asking different question from breeder management to nutritional value of feed ingredients, Dr. Pradeep nicely answered the question. At the end Dr. Sanjit giving thanks to all participants for attending the seminar and committed to organize such kind of technical program in days to come.

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