বুধবার , ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯ ২০২৫

Call for Abstracts: 11th International Poultry Show and Seminar 2019

World’s Poultry Science Association – Bangladesh Branch (WPSA-BB) and Bangladesh Poultry Industries Central Council (BPICC) will jointly organize the 11th International Poultry Show and Seminar – 2019. The international seminar will take place at Dhaka Regency Hotel and Resort, Dhaka, Bangladesh during 5 – 6 March 2019. This will be followed by the international poultry show to be held at the International Convention City Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh during 7 – 9 March 2019.

The biennial international seminar will cover different aspects of poultry including poultry industry; breeds, breeding and genetics; feeds and nutrition; housing, management and biosecurity; poultry health and hygiene; diagnostics, vaccines and biologics; waste management and environment; processing, quality and safety of food; economics and marketing; rural poultry; organic farming; waterfowl and specialized poultry. Scientists from home and abroad, willing to contribute original research papers or authoritative reviews in the seminar, are requested to submit their abstracts, not exceeding 300 words, by 30 September, 2018 online at http://www.wpsabbseminar2019.com  

The abstracts should be written in English and must reflect the background and objective of the work, methodology, findings and conclusion. The technical committee will evaluate the abstracts as to their suitability for acceptance as oral or poster presentation and will invite to submit the full papers. The papers will be peer reviewed. The Technical Committee reserves the right to reject a paper even after acceptance of the abstract if the full paper fails to comply with the requirements and scientific standard. Any paper (except a review article) describing contents of already published work will not be acceptable. A paper advocating a commercial product will be rejected. Full papers will be published in the proceedings irrespective of oral and poster presentation. One person can submit only one abstract.

WPSA-BB cordially welcomes participation of scientists from abroad. Although WPSA-BB is not in a position to bear the costs of international travel but would be pleased to offer local hospitality (lodging, boarding and local travel during the seminar) to the presenting authors only from abroad.

Important deadlines

Submission of abstracts: 30 September, 2018
Notification of acceptance: 25 October 2018
Submission of full papers: 25 November, 2018

Please feel free to share with your colleagues and contact.

Kind regards,

Dr. Mohammad Rafiqul Islam
DVM, MSc (Vet Sc) [ Bangladesh Agril.], PhD [Liverpool], AvH Fellow [Leipzig]

Convener, Technical Committee, WPSA-BB Seminar

Professor, Department of Pathology

Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)

Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh

Tel.    +880 (0)91 67401 to -6/Extn. 2348 (Office)

+880 (0)1712849565 (Cell)

Fax.  +880 (0)91 61510
E-mail: mrislam_bau@yahoo.com; mrislam@bau.edu.bd




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