বুধবার , ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯ ২০২৫

Building the future of Poultry Nutrition

The poultry industry today is facing many health issues within a global context of raising concerns for antimicrobial resistance, food safety, and animal welfare. There is not one solution. The answer: integrated programs from the quality of the chicks all the way up to the animal environment and gut health management. We believe that our specific probiotics and microbial solutions can be part of this holistic flock management approach.

In that context, our R&D team shared at the end of March, some of its latest results in poultry nutrition during the 11th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. No less than 8 scientific poster presentations were featuring the company’s latest research in poultry nutrition. These communications highlighted the benefits of natural antioxidants and gut microflora management utilizing probiotics and yeast derivatives. Such events reinforce our position as a research-based company committed to building the future of poultry nutrition. Key facts and figures of this commitment are highlighted in the infographics below:

  • 13 scientific publications on poultry topics
  • 20 years of application in broilers and laying hens feeding
  • The 1st probiotic authorized in the EU with a Food Safety claim relative to the reduction of Salmonella spp. contamination on carcasses of broilers

Lallemand Animal Nutrition has been really active to meet the Asian poultry market in March 2018. Besides the attendance at the Asia Pacific Poultry Conference and our Asian Distributors meeting, that attracted our privileged poultry partners from across Asia, we organized our 1st Asian Poultry Technical Meeting.  This event gathered 130 poultry professionals, from over 15 countries around Asia. This first edition was a great opportunity to share a little bit of our DNA, some practical experiences and scientific knowledge around our microbial solutions.

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